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Yesterday, Today, and Forever

Yesterday, Today, and Forever

January 13, 2025 by Pastor David Hubbard
Passages:Hebrews 13:8

Sermon Synopsis

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Hebrews 13:8
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”
This afternoon, I want to preach about…
In the ‘yesterday’
of our lives,
we see
the historical Jesus,
the one
who walked the earth,
The one
Who performed miracles,
The one
Who taught parables,
and the One
Who ultimately
gave His life for us
on the cross.
He was the fulfillment
of prophecies,
He is the promised Messiah,
And He is the Lamb of God
who takes away
the sins of the world.
His life and His teachings
form the foundation
of our faith.
In the ‘yesterday’
of our lives,
we encounter Jesus
in the pages
of the Gospels.
We see Him
as a humble carpenter
from Nazareth,
who stepped
into the public eye
to proclaim
the kingdom of God.
He healed the sick,
not just to prove He could,
but because He cared
for their suffering.
He gave sight to the blind,
not just to show His authority
over nature,
but to bring light
into their world of darkness.
He even raised the dead.
not just to defy the laws
of nature,
but to comfort the grieving
and restore lost loved ones
to their families.
His miracles were signs
of His divinity,
tangible proof
that He was indeed
the Son of God.
His compassion
was not limited
to physical ailments,
but extended
to the spiritual and emotional wounds
that plagued humanity.
He saw
beyond the surface,
into the depths
of human pain and sorrow,
and reached out
with a healing touch.
His miracles
were not
mere displays of power,
but acts of profound love.
Each healing
was a testament
to His understanding
of our frailty,
His recognition
of our innate desire
for wholeness,
and His commitment
to restore us
to our intended state
of health and harmony.
In every healing,
He echoed the promise
of His Father’s love,
a love that is relentless,
A love that is all-encompassing,
and a love that is transformative.
A love that sees us,
not as we are,
but as we could be.
A love that heals,
not just the body,
but also heals the soul.
He taught in parables,
using simple stories
to convey profound truths
about God’s kingdom.
The parable
of the Prodigal Son
showed us
God’s unconditional love
and forgiveness.
It showed us
that God’s love
is not based
on our worthiness,
but on His boundless grace.
The parable
of the Good Samaritan
taught us
to love our neighbors
as ourselves.
It challenged us to see
the image of God
in everyone,
even those
we might be inclined
to overlook or avoid.
Through these stories,
Jesus challenged
the religious and social norms
of His time,
inviting us
to a higher standard
of love and compassion.
But perhaps
the most significant event
in the ‘yesterday’
of our lives
is the crucifixion of Jesus.
He willingly
laid down
His life for us
on the cross,
bearing our sins
and suffering the punishment
we deserved.
Not because we earned it,
But because He loves us.
His death
was the ultimate sacrifice,
the fulfillment
of countless prophecies,
and the pivotal moment
in God’s plan of salvation.
Yet, the cross
is not the end
of the story.
Three days later,
Jesus rose from the dead,
conquering sin and death
once and for all.
His resurrection
assures us
of our own resurrection
and eternal life in Him.
It is our guarantee
of eternal life,
and our source of hope
in this life
and the next.
It is the cornerstone
of our faith,
the reason for our hope,
and the promise of our future.
In the ‘yesterday’
of our lives,
we see the historical Jesus.
But He is more
than a figure
in a history book.
He is the promised Messiah,
the Lamb of God,
the Savior
of the world.
His life, death,
and resurrection
form the foundation
of our faith,
a faith that transforms us,
gives us hope,
and assures us
of God’s unfailing love.
In the ‘today’
of our lives,
we experience
the living Christ.
He is not
a distant historical figure
but a present reality.
Through the Holy Spirit,
He dwells in us,
He guides us,
He comforts us,
and He empowers us
to live
according to His will.
He is our advocate,
He is our high priest,
He is our shepherd,
and He is our friend.
He is actively involved
in our lives,
transforming us
into His likeness.
He molds our hearts,
He refines our character,
and He cultivates in us
the fruits of the Spirit:
love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
He is our source of hope,
He is our beacon of light
in the darkness.
He is our peace
in the midst of the storm,
He is our strength
when we are weak,
and He is our joy
in times of sorrow.
He is the way,
the truth, and the life.
Through Him,
we have access
to the Father.
Through Him,
we have the promise
of eternal life.
Through Him,
We are more than conquerors.
In every moment,
in every situation,
in every ‘today’
of our lives,
we are blessed
to experience
the living, active,
and transformative presence
of Christ.
We should live
each day in gratitude,
obedience, and faith,
knowing that we are never alone,
for Christ is with us.
And in this transformation,
we are not
merely improved versions
of our old selves,
but we are made new.
We are reborn,
not of flesh,
but of spirit.
As we surrender
our will to His,
we find that His plans
for us
are far greater
than anything
we could imagine
for ourselves.
His blessings
are not just for our comfort,
but for our growth,
our enrichment,
and our ultimate good.
In the midst
of our struggles and trials,
we may not always understand
His ways,
but we can trust
in His unfailing love
and wisdom.
In the midst of
our struggles and trials,
we may feel
lost and confused.
We may question
why certain things
are happening to us
and why God is allowing us
to go through such hardships.
But it’s important
to remember
that God’s ways
are not our ways.
His thoughts
are higher
than our thoughts,
and His plans
are beyond our understanding (Isaiah 55:8).
He sees
the bigger picture,
the eternal perspective.
And in His infinite wisdom,
He works all things
together for our good (Romans 8:28).
But how does He do this?
How does God
work all things
together for our good?
God uses our trials
to shape us
and mold us
into the people
He wants us to be.
He uses our struggles
to teach us patience,
perseverance, and faith.
He uses our hardships
to draw us closer to Him,
to help us realize
our need for Him.
In the midst
of our trials,
God is working
behind the scenes.
He is orchestrating
events and circumstances
in ways
that we may not understand.
But we can trust
that He is working all things
together for our good.
So, in the midst
of your struggles,
remember this:
God is with you.
He loves you
with an unfailing love
and is working all things
together for your good.
In Romans chapter 7,
Paul says “I don’t understand
What I do.
For what I want to do,
I do not do.
But what I hate,
I do.
This is Paul’s words,
Even after his encounter
With Jesus.
Even when
We come to the Lord,
We are still not perfect.
We will still make mistakes
Because we were born into sin.
But we have the assurance
That we are forgiven
When we ask for forgiveness.
And we need to ask forgiveness
Every day of our lives.
Trust in God’s wisdom,
lean on His understanding,
and rest in His love.
His ways are higher
than our ways,
and His thoughts
are higher than our thoughts.
And in His infinite wisdom,
He is working all things
together for our good.
So let’s not be content
with the ‘good’ of today,
but let us strive
for the ‘better’
that God
has in store for us.
Let’s repent of our sins,
turn to Him,
and experience the fullness
of His love,
of His mercy,
and of His grace.
As I said
A couple of weeks ago,
this is not as good
as good will get.
With God, the best
is always yet to come.”
And as we journey with Him,
we discover
that His love
is not a short-lived emotion,
It is a steadfast promise.
His mercy
is not a one-time act,
but a wellspring of forgiveness
that never runs dry.
His grace
is not a temporary reprieve,
but a life-changing power
that renews us
day by day.
His love
is not a passing emotion,
but a constant beacon
that guides us
through the darkest nights.
His wisdom
is not a momentary insight,
but a timeless truth
that enlightens us
in every decision.
His strength
is not a temporary force,
but an unyielding rock
that supports us
in every trial.
His peace
is not a passing calm,
but a peaceful harbor
that shelters us
in every storm.
His joy
is not a temporary delight,
but a wellspring of happiness
that fills us overflowing,
moment by moment.
In the face
of our weaknesses,
He is our strength.
In the face
of our failures,
He is our redemption.
In the face
of our doubts,
He is our certainty.
In the face of our fears,
He is our courage.
In the face of our struggles,
He is our strength.
In the face of our loneliness,
He is our constant companion.
In the face of our sorrow,
He is our comfort and peace.
In the face of our despair,
He is our hope.
In the face of our storms,
He is our shelter.
In the face of our sin,
He is our salvation.
In the face of our death,
He is our eternal life.
As we walk
In the ‘today’ of our lives,
let us remember
that we are not alone.
the living Christ
is with us, in us,
and working through us.
And with Him,
the best is always yet to come.”
In the ‘tomorrow’
of our lives,
we anticipate
the returning Christ.
The Bible assures us
that He will come again in glory
to judge the living
and the dead.
His kingdom
will have no end.
We look forward
to this day
with hope and joy,
knowing that we will be with Him
forever in the new heaven
and the new earth.
As we journey
towards this ‘tomorrow’
let us remember
that each day
is a step closer
to His glorious return.
Each sunrise
is a reminder
of His promise,
and each sunset
a testament
to His faithfulness.
We are not simply waiting;
we are journeying
towards this promise.
In this journey,
we are called
to live righteously,
to love mercy,
and to walk humbly
with our God.
We are called
to be lights
in the world,
reflecting the love and grace
of our returning King.
We are called
to live in anticipation,
not in fear;
in hope, not in despair.
For the ‘tomorrow’
we await
is not a day of dread,
but a day of joy.
It is the day
when every tear
will be wiped away,
when death
will be no more,
and when we will fully realize
the breadth and length
and height and depth
of God’s love for us.
We are called
to be His hands and feet,
to serve others
with love and compassion,
to show the world
the life-changing power
of His love.
It is the day
when we will see Him
face to face,
when we will be fully known
and fully loved.
It is the day
when we will join
the heavenly chorus in singing,
“Worthy is the Lamb
who was slain,
to receive power and wealth
and wisdom and might
and honor and glory and blessing!”
let us live each day
in joyful anticipation
of ‘tomorrow’
knowing that our future
is secure in Christ.
For our ‘tomorrow’
is not a mere continuation
of ‘today’
but a glorious transformation
into the fullness
of God’s kingdom.
And in this ‘tomorrow’
we will see Him
as He is,
and we will be like Him.
What a glorious day
that will be!”
as we await this ‘tomorrow’
let us not forget
to live out
His love ‘today’.
For each day
is a gift,
an opportunity
to reflect
His grace and truth
to the world around us.
In the face
of trials and tribulations,
let us hold fast
to our faith,
knowing that our ‘tomorrow’
is in His hands.
And in our moments
of joy and triumph,
let us give thanks,
recognizing that every good thing
comes from Him.
So, let us press on,
living each ‘today’
in service to Him,
as we look forward
to the glorious ‘tomorrow’
that awaits us
in His kingdom.
For in Christ,
every ‘today’
is a step closer
to that eternal ‘tomorrow’.
In every season
of our lives –
yesterday, today,
and tomorrow –
Jesus Christ
remains the same.
His love for us
never changes.
His promises
are always true.
His presence
is our constant comfort.
Let us hold fast
to this truth,
for it is our anchor
in the storms of life.
Let us live each day
in the light
of His unchanging grace.
As we journey
through the seasons
of life,
let us remember
that the same Jesus
who was with us
in our yesterdays,
is with us today,
and will be with us
in all our tomorrows.
His faithfulness
is our shield and rampart.
His word is a lamp
unto our feet
and a light unto our path.
In the face
of uncertainty,
His constancy
is our assurance.
In the midst of change,
His steadfastness
is our stability.
His unchanging nature
is not a mere concept,
but a reality
that we can experience
every day.
Let us embrace
the unchanging love
of Jesus Christ,
let it shape our lives,
guide our decisions,
and transform our hearts.
For He is the same yesterday,
today, and forever.
And His unchanging grace
is the beacon
that guides us
through the changing tides of life.
In the coming and going
of our existence,
amidst the waves
of challenges and trials,
His love remains
our steadfast anchor.
His grace,
unchanging and ever-present,
is our compass,
guiding us
towards righteousness and peace.
His love
is not a fleeting emotion,
but an eternal promise.
It is not dependent
on our circumstances,
but is rooted
in His very nature.
It is not swayed
by our failures,
but is constant
in spite of them.
So, let us not be swayed
by the winds of change,
but let us hold fast
to the unchanging love
of Jesus Christ.
Let His love
be the foundation
of our lives,
the guide for our decisions,
and the life-changing power
in our hearts.
Because in a world
that is constantly changing,
we have a Savior
who remains the same.
His love is our refuge,
His grace our strength,
and His presence
our comfort.
So, let us live each day
in the light
of His unchanging love and grace.
Whether you’re sitting here today,
Or watching by way of internet,
If you’re listening to this message,
and you find yourself longing to experience
this unchanging love of Jesus Christ,
I want you to know
that this invitation is for you.
Maybe you’ve been feeling lost
in the changing tides of life,
or maybe you’ve been searching
for a love that remains constant
amidst all the uncertainty.
Today, you have the opportunity to embrace
the unchanging love of Jesus Christ.
His love is not conditional,
it does not change with the seasons of life.
It is steadfast, always available, and ever-present.
It is a love that can shape your life, guide your decisions,
and transform your heart.
So, if you’re ready to experience
this unchanging love, I want you to take this moment to pray.
I’d like everyone that will, to come up here and kneel and pray.
If everything is going good for you right now, come and kneel to
Pray for me.
And if you haven’t made the decision to follow Jesus yet, then I want you
to know something:
It’s important to understand that nobody is perfect. We all make
mistakes and fall short. The Bible says in Romans 3:23,
‘For all have
sinned and come short of the glory of God.’ It’s not about being perfect,
but about striving to be more like Christ each day.
Secondly, coming to Christ is about grace, not perfection. Ephesians
2:8-9 says,

8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should
God’s love and forgiveness are not dependent on our ability to ‘get it
’ but on His grace and mercy.
Lastly, being a Christian isn’t about putting on a perfect front, it’s about
genuine transformation. It’s okay to struggle, to question, and to doubt.
In fact, these can be important parts of spiritual growth. What matters is
sincerity in our faith and actions.
Remember, a hypocrite is not someone who messes up. A hypocrite is
someone who denies their mistakes and pretends to be something
they’re not. It’s about being authentic, not about being perfect. So, don’t
let the fear of hypocrisy stop you from exploring faith. God knows our
hearts and He is more interested in our sincere attempts to grow closer
to Him than in outward appearances.”
Open your heart to Jesus and invite Him into your life.
Just pray this prayer with me:
“Lord Jesus, I need You. I long for Your unchanging love in my life.
I believe that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever.
I want to experience Your unchanging grace. Please come into my life,
forgive me of my sins, guide my decisions, and transform my heart.
Remember, if you have accepted Christ, this is just the beginning of your
journey with Jesus.
As you continue to seek Him, His unchanging love will guide you through
the changing tides of life.
If you have made the decision to allow Christ into your heart,
Then I want to welcome you to this journey of faith, hope, and
unchanging love.

Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Additional Resources

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