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The Foolish Things

The Foolish Things

January 13, 2025 by Pastor David Hubbard
Passages:1 Corinthians 1:27-29

Sermon Synopsis

1 Corinthians 1:27-29:
“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound
the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to
confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the
world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and
things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no
flesh should glory in his presence.”
## The Foolish Things
In our human understanding,
we often value wisdom,
strength, and status.
We do that
Because these are the things
that the world tells us
are important.
We strive for education
to gain wisdom,
we work out
and build businesses
to show our strength,
and we seek positions of influence
to attain a certain status.
These things we pursue
are not inherently wrong,
but they can become misguided
when they are sought
for their own sake,
rather than for the glory of God.
But God’s ways
are not our ways.
He sees beyond
our human metrics of success
and looks at the heart.
God, in His infinite wisdom,
values humility,
grace, and love.
These are the virtues
that truly matter
in eternity.
We are called
to seek wisdom
not from worldly education,
We are called
To seek wisdom
from the Word of God.
Our strength
is not in our physical might
or business acumen,
Our strength
Is in the grace
that God provides.
our status
is not determined
by our positions of influence,
Our status is determined
by our identity
as children of God.
Our wealth
is not measured
in the abundance
of our possessions,
It is measured
in the richness
of our faith.
Our wisdom
is not found
in worldly knowledge,
It is found
in the divine truths
revealed in God’s Word.
Our joy
is not derived
from fleeting pleasures,
It is derived
from the eternal happiness
that comes from knowing
and serving God.
Our peace
is not dependent
on the absence of conflict,
It is dependent
on the presence of God
amidst the storms of life.
Our hope
is not anchored
in the certainty
of earthly outcomes,
It is anchored
in the promises
of God’s unfailing love
and faithfulness.
Our purpose
is not defined
by our personal ambitions,
It is defined
by God’s plan for us
to reflect His love and glory
in the world.
This is a profound truth
that turns our worldly understanding
Absolutely upside down.
The wisdom
of the world
is foolishness to God (1 Corinthians 3:19).
You see,
God uses the simple,
the humble,
the overlooked,
and yes, even the foolish,
to carry out His divine plan.
He chooses
what the world considers foolish
to confound the wise.
Now, this is not
a dismissal of wisdom
but a reminder
that divine wisdom
surpasses human understanding.
In the eyes
of the world,
The cross was foolishness.
It was a symbol
of defeat and shame.
Yet, in God’s divine wisdom,
it became the ultimate symbol
of victory and redemption.
The world
saw a carpenter’s son,
named Jesus of Nazareth,
but God presented to us
the Savior of the world.
God’s wisdom
turns the world’s standards
upside down.
It’s a wisdom
that values humility over pride,
It values service
over status,
and it values
sacrifice over self-interest.
It’s a wisdom
that sees strength
in weakness,
It sees
honor in humility,
and it sees
greatness in servanthood.
when we feel weak,
insignificant, or foolish
in the eyes
of the world,
let us remember
that God’s perspective
is much different
From our perspective.
I’m here
To tell all of you
That God has called you,
so this afternoon
I want you
To consider yourselves.
Not many of you
were considered to be a wise choice
by worldly standards.
Not many of you were mighty,
not many of you were noble,
but all of you are called!
You may not be powerful,
you may not be influential,
and you may not seem to be
the best choice,
but that never stopped God
from calling you!
I have a message this afternoon
for someone who feels inadequate,
I have a message today
For someone whose past mistakes
continually haunt you,
I have a message today
For someone who doesn’t feel worthy to be used by God.
I have a message
from the very throne of heaven,
God doesn’t judge you
the way you judge yourself.
He doesn’t look at you
the way the world looks at you.
His view point isn’t framed
by your mistakes,
or failings,
or shortcomings.
His view is framed
by your potential
in the kingdom.
You see weakness,
He sees strength.
You see obstacles,
He sees stepping stones.
You see a past that hinders you
but he sees a testimony
that glorifies him.
Even though
it doesn’t make sense to you,
God has called you
according to His purpose.
He sees potential
where others see failure.
He sees value
where others see worthlessness.
He sees a future
where others see an end.
Listen to me today.
God can use anyone
who surrenders to Him.
If he can use Paul,
he can use you.
If Peter can deny the Lord
on the evening
of his crucifixion,
even going so far as to curse him,
yet still preach the salvation message
of the church in Acts chapter 2,
then God can use you.
Jesus’ own brethren rejected him
because they didn’t believe,
but that didn’t stop him
from turning his brother James
into the pastor of the Jerusalem church!
Mary Magdalene was a prostitute,
Matthew was a tax collector,
Thomas was a doubter
Rahab was a prostitute,
Paul was persecutor of Christians,
Peter was a fisherman,
Zaccheus was a tax collector,
David was an adulterer and murderer,
Jonah was a prophet who ran away from God,
And the woman at the well
Had been married 5 times,
But none of that stopped God
from using them.
If he can use them,
he can use you!
When we feel lost,
adrift in the sea of life,
let us remember,
God’s compass
points towards light.
He sees a path,
where others see a dead end.
He sees a lesson,
where others see a mistake.
He sees strength,
where others see vulnerability.
He sees a beginning,
where others see a closure.
He sees hope,
where others see despair.
He sees potential,
where others see failure.
He sees love,
where others see indifference.
He sees a journey,
where others see a destination.
So when the world
makes you feel small,
in God’s eyes,
you stand tall.
His love
is unconditional,
And His mercy,
Is always available.
Remember, God’s perspective
isn’t just different,
it’s divine, it’s patient,
and it’s persistent.
He sees
not just who we are,
but who we can become,
no matter how far.
In God’s divine wisdom,
He uses the weak
to lead the strong,
He uses the foolish
to teach the wise,
and He uses the lowly
to humble the proud.
This is the paradox
of God’s wisdom,
a wisdom
that is higher
than our ways,
deeper than our understanding,
and broader than our horizons.
let us embrace
what the world
may consider foolish,
for in doing so,
we align ourselves
with God’s divine wisdom.
And in His wisdom,
we find our purpose,
We find our value,
and we find our hope.
God’s wisdom is eternal,
God’s wisdom is unchanging,
and God’s wisdom is perfect.
It is a wisdom
that sees the end
from the beginning
and knows the best path
for us to take.
It is a wisdom
that chose the foolishness
of the cross
to bring salvation
to the world.
So, for us to seek wisdom,
let us not lean
on our own understanding,
but in all our ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).
## The Strength of God in Weak Things (1 Corinthians 1:28)
Similarly, God chooses
the weak things
of the world
to confound the mighty things
Of the world.
This is a powerful message of hope
for those
who feel weak or insignificant.
In God’s hands,
our weakness
becomes a vessel
for His strength.
Consider the story
of David and Goliath,
a classic example
of how God uses the weak
to confound the mighty.
David, a young shepherd boy,
was chosen by God
to face the giant warrior Goliath.
Armed only with a sling
and his faith in God,
David was able
to defeat Goliath,
not by his own strength,
but by the power of God
working through him.
This story serves as a reminder
that in our own lives,
we may feel like David
facing an insurmountable Goliath.
Whether our ‘Goliath’
is a personal struggle,
Whether our Goliath
is a challenging circumstance,
or whether our Goliath
is a feeling
of insignificance and weakness,
we must remember
that with God,
all things are possible.
You see,
God does not call the equipped;
He equips the called.
And sometimes,
the equipment God gives us
isn’t what we’d expect.
We might feel
more comfortable
going into battle
with armor on
and a sword and shield
In our hands,
but God might send us
into battle
with just a sling
and a stone.
It’s a testament
to the fact
that our strength
does not come from ourselves,
but from God.
It is not our abilities,
but our faith and reliance on God
that brings victory.
Consider the story of Moses.
Moses was not
a great speaker,
Moses was not a leader,
and Moses certainly did not see himself
as equipped
to free the Israelites
from Egypt.
But God called him
for this purpose.
Moses might have felt more comfortable
if he had been
a powerful ruler
or an eloquent speaker,
but instead,
God equipped him
with a staff
and His divine presence.
This staff,
an ordinary shepherd’s tool,
was used by God
to perform miracles,
It was used by God
to part the Red Sea,
It was used by God
to bring water
from a rock.
It was not
the staff itself
that had power,
It was God
who gave it power.
Consider the story of Gideon:
Gideon was not a warrior,
Gideon was not a leader,
and Gideon
certainly did not see himself
as equipped
to deliver the Israelites
from the Midianites.
But God called him
for this purpose.
Gideon might have felt
more comfortable
if he had been
a mighty warrior
or a respected leader,
but instead,
God equipped him
with a trumpet, a jar,
and a torch
and His divine presence.
These items,
ordinary tools,
were used by God
to confuse the Midianites,
They were used by God
to cause chaos
in the enemy camp,
They were used by God
to deliver victory
to the Israelites.
It was not the trumpet,
the jar, or the torch themselves
that had power,
It was God
who gave them power.
These stories
Are a testament
to the fact
that our strength
does not come
from our tools or abilities,
but from God.
In the same way,
we may not feel equipped
for the tasks
God has called us to.
We may feel more comfortable
if we had more resources,
We may feel more comfortable
If we had more skills,
We may feel more comfortable
If we have more confidence.
But God does not call us
based on what we have.
He calls us
based on what He can do
through us.
God does not need
our abilities,
He needs our availability.
Our victory
does not come
from our strength,
but from our surrender to God.
When we surrender
our weaknesses to God,
He transforms them
into strengths.
When we surrender
our fears to God,
He transforms them
into faith.
When we surrender
our doubts to God,
He transforms them
into certainty.
Let’s remember
that we are not called
because we are equipped.
We are equipped
because we are called.
And with God,
We are more than conquerors.
For it is not by might,
nor by power,
but by the Spirit of the Lord.”
## The Glory of God in Base and Despised Things (1 Corinthians
God also chooses
the base things
of the world,
the things that are despised,
to nullify
the things that are.
This is a profound reminder
of the nature
of God’s kingdom,
which is so different
from the kingdoms
of this world.
In the world,
people are often valued
for their status,
For their achievements,
and for their abilities.
But in God’s kingdom,
these things
hold no weight.
This is a call to humility,
reminding us
that no one can boast
before God.
Our status,
Our achievements,
or our abilities
do not earn us favor
with God.
They do not make us
more worthy
of His love or His grace.
In fact,
it is often those
who are overlooked
by the world
whom God chooses
to use for His purposes.
It is by His grace alone
that we are saved.
Not by our works,
so that no one can boast.
This is a humbling truth,
but it is also
a liberating one.
It frees us
from the need
to prove ourselves,
From the need
to earn our place
in God’s kingdom.
We are loved and accepted
not because of what we do,
but because of who God is.
we are all equal
in God’s eyes,
and our worth
comes not from our worldly achievements,
but from His unending grace.
We should strive
to live in a way
that reflects this truth,
showing the same grace and love
to others
that God has shown to us.”
In the eyes
of our Creator,
we are all loved and accepted,
not because of our deeds
or accomplishments,
but because
of His boundless love and grace.
This is a profound truth
that is beautifully captured
in 1 Corinthians 1:27-29
‘But God chose the foolish things
of the world
to shame the wise;
God chose the weak things
of the world
to shame the strong.
God chose the lowly things
of this world
and the despised things—
and the things that are not—
to nullify the things that are,
so that no one
may boast before him.’
In God’s divine wisdom,
He chose
what the world considers
foolish and weak
to shame the wise
and the strong
This scripture reminds us
that our worth in God’s eyes
is not determined
by our worldly achievements
or strengths,
but by His unending grace.
We are all equal
in God’s eyes,
and our true value
comes from His grace,
a gift
that we did nothing to earn
and can do nothing to lose.
It is this grace
that makes us
worthy and valuable
in His sight.
As recipients
of this divine grace,
we are called
to live in a way
that reflects
this profound truth.
We are called
to extend the same grace,
To extend
the same love,
to others
as God has extended to us.
In doing so,
we become living testaments
of His love and grace,
shining lights
in a world
that so desperately needs it.
Let us remember
that our actions and words
can be a reflection
of God’s love to others,
a beacon of hope
in their times of darkness.
As we navigate
through life,
let us strive
to be vessels
of His grace,
Let us strive
To be channels
of His love,
And let us strive
To be instruments of His peace.
In a world
that often values
power, wealth, and status,
let us remember
the words of 1 Corinthians 1:27-29.
Let us strive
to live in a way
that reflects the values
of the Kingdom of God,
rather than the values
of the world.
Because in the end,
it is not our worldly achievements
that define us,
but the love and grace of God
that dwells within us.
let us go forth,
carrying the light
of His love and grace
into the world.
Let us remember
that we are all loved and accepted,
not because of our deeds
or accomplishments,
but because of
His boundless love and grace.
And let us strive
to extend this same love and grace
to others,
for in doing so,
we truly become
the hands and feet
of Christ in the world.
“The Foolish Things” reminds us
that God’s wisdom,
strength, and glory
are revealed
in unexpected ways.
As we navigate our lives,
let us remember
that our value in God’s eyes
is not determined
by worldly standards.
Instead, let us find comfort and hope
in the knowledge
that God uses the foolish,
the weak, and the lowly
for His divine purposes.
Right now I’m speaking
to those of you both here in the sanctuary
and joining us online.
As we come to a close
here today,
I want us to remind ourselves
of the words from 1 Corinthians 1:27-29
“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound
the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to
confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the
world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and
things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no
flesh should glory in his presence.”
God’s wisdom is different
from the world’s wisdom.
He uses
what the world considers foolish
to shame the wise,
and He uses
what the world considers weak
to shame the strong.
Right now,
If you feel like
you’re not enough,
if you feel weak,
foolish, or despised,
remember that God can use you
for His glory.
You are not defined
by your abilities,
your status,
or your achievements,
but by God’s love and grace.
In your moments of doubt,
when you stumble and fall,
know that God’s grace is sufficient,
His power is made perfect in your flaws.
When the world sees failure,
God sees potential,
Your worth is not in worldly success,
but in His divine credential.
You are a vessel of His will,
crafted with divine precision,
Your purpose is not to conform to the world,
but to fulfill His heavenly vision.
So when you feel insignificant,
remember His love so vast,
You are not defined by the world’s standards,
but by His promise that forever will last.
So, we invite you now,
whether you’re here in person
or joining us online,
to respond to God’s call.
If you feel God
tugging at your heart,
don’t resist.
Come forward,
or reach out to us online.
We have people
ready to pray with you
and guide you.
Remember, in God’s kingdom,
the last shall be first,
the weak shall be strong,
and the foolish
shall confound the wise.
In His grace and love,
We are all equipped for His purpose.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank You for the wisdom You have shared with us today
through Your Word. We are humbled by Your divine wisdom that
surpasses all human understanding. You have chosen the foolish
things of the world to shame the wise, and the weak things of the
world to shame the strong.
Lord, we ask that You help us to embrace this divine wisdom. Help
us to understand that our worth is not measured by worldly
standards but by Your love for us. Remind us that You have chosen
us not because of our abilities, but because of Your grace.
As we leave here today, may we carry this message in our hearts.
May we be a living testimony of Your love and grace, showing the
world that in our weakness, Your strength is made perfect.
Thank You, Lord, for Your unfailing love and acceptance. We pray
that as we go out into the world, we may reflect Your love and grace
to all those we meet.
In Jesus’ name, we pray,

1 Corinthians 1:27–29

27 But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; 28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, 29 so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.

Additional Resources

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